A report titled “Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market” іѕ rесеntlу рublіѕhеd bу Eternal Markets. Тhе mаrkеt hаѕ bееn ѕеgmеntеd оn thе bаѕіѕ оf form, mode of extraction, application, end use, rеgіоnѕ аnd соuntrіеѕ. Rеvеnuе frоm thе global Ursodeoxycholic acid market іѕ рrојесtеd tо rеасh а vаluе оf UЅ$ 1,562.5 Мn іn 2032 and expected to register a significant CAGR of 10.5% over the forecast period 2023-2032.
Industry Overview:
The Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is fundamentally bile acid consumed in the liquid form or in the form of a tablet to cure gallstones. Those can cure or prevent the progress of cystic fibrosis-related liver disorder. The UDCA converts the bile acid pool by decreasing the levels of hydrophobic bile acids. This rises the amount of nontoxic hydrophilic bile acids. Moreover, UDCA can slow down the development of gastro esophageal varies and progression to cirrhosis. Furthermore, it can also better chances of survival of patients. It is said that large betterment of liver health can be achieved with UDCA therapy in people suffering with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, sclerosing cholangitis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, cystic fibrosis-associated liver disease, total parenteral nutrition-induced cholestasis, certain cholestasis liver condition in children and graft related liver disease. As said by the American Gastroenterological Association 2017, gallstones is affecting 10-15% of the U.S. residents every year, which accounts for around 25 million people.
Market Dynamics:
Cholestasis liver diseases are at the forefront of driving demand in the global Ursodeoxycholic acid market. Increasing occurrences of gall stones and cystic fibrosis is in large part accountable for driving the market. According to 2015 data given by Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, around 30,000 people are suffering with cystic fibrosis in the U.S. alone. Females are highly susceptible to having gallstones when compared to males. This is because of the hormone replacement therapy, high levels of estrogen during pregnancy, and usage of birth control pills. Additionally, geriatric population is also highly prone to gallstones with those having a family history of gallstones. Whereas surgery is the most well-known treatment for it, Ursodeoxycholic acid can liquefy smaller stones formed mostly of cholesterol. This is the positive impression on the market.
Drawbacks such as low efficacy (around 40%), slowness in action, and possibility of stone recurrence are expected to hinder the market growth. On the other hand, side effects of UDCA are foiling the Ursodeoxycholic acid market from achieving its full potential. For example, treatment with UDCA often leads to diarrhea. According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) 2017, the prevalence of diarrhea in patients with gallstone being treated with UCDA is almost 2 to 9%. Moreover, the treatment also shows to side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dry skin or itching, headache and sleep disturbance. These are some factors which are responsible for restraining the growth of the market in Future. Ursodeoxycholic Acid used to treat liver disease. Ursodeoxycholic Acid has positive effects on treatment of liver disease. Cholestasis liver diseases are at the forefront of driving demand in the global Ursodeoxycholic acid market. Increasing prevalence of gall stones and cystic fibrosis is in large part accountable for growth of the market significantly over the forecast period.
Rеgіоn-wіѕе ѕеgmеntаtіоn in the global ursodeoxycholic acid market іnсludеѕ North Аmеrіса, Еurоре, Аѕіа Расіfіс, Ѕоuth Аmеrіса, and the Міddlе Еаѕt & Аfrіса. North Аmеrіса ассоuntѕ for hіghеѕt rеvеnuе in the global ursodeoxycholic acid market currently. Europe ursodeoxycholic acid mаrkеt ассоuntеd fоr а rеvеnuе оf UЅ$ 125.69 Мn in 2020, аnd іѕ рrојесtеd tо rеgіѕtеr а САGR of about 10.6% оvеr thе 10-уеаr fоrесаѕt реrіоd.
Industry Developments:
Year 2023: Willow Biosciences Inc. (“Willow”), a leading biotechnology company focused on revolutionizing industrial manufacturing of pure, consistent and sustainable functional ingredients, announced that it has successfully completed research and development on its program to produce ursodeoxycholic acid (“UDCA”), a large volume active pharmaceutical ingredient (“API”) used in nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products.
Year 2020: ICE Group acquired NZP- New Zealand Pharmaceuticals Ltd. the company work in the field of development and manufacturing of biopharmaceutical products specializing in high purity by acids, complex carbohydrates, blood group products and other pharmaceutical intermediates and API’s.
Major Strategies adopted by key market players:
- Agreements, Collaborations, and Partnerships: 37%
- Acquisitions: 15%
- New Service Launch: _%
- Other Developments: _%
Scope of the Report:
Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market, by Form
- Solid Dosage Form
- Liquid Dosage Form
Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market, by Mode of Extraction
Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market, by Application
- Gallstones
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Liver Cirrhosis
- Others
Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market, by End Use
Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market, by Geography
- Germany
- UK
- France
- Italy
- Spain
- Russia
- Rest of Europe (RoE)
- China
- Japan
- India
- Rest of APAC (RoAPAC)
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Rest of South America
- Israel
- South Africa
- Rest of MEA
Competitors landscape:
*The report scope shall be customized as per the requirements
Chapter 1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Drivers for Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market
1.3 Restraints for Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market
1.4 Opportunities for Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market
1.5 Trends for Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market
1.6 Macro-economic Factors
1.7 Regulatory Framework
1.8 Opportunity Map Analysis
1.9 Opportunity Orbits
1.10 Market Investment Feasibility Index
1.11 PEST Analysis
1.12 PORTER’S Five Force Analysis
1.13 Go to Market Strategy
1.14 Marketing Strategy
1.15 Technology Roadmap
1.16 Advances in product/services adoption worldwide
1.17 Regional Market Share and BPS Analysis
Chapter 2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Competitive Analysis
2.1 Market Competition Scenario Analysis, By Company
2.2 Competitor Landscape
2.3 Major Strategies adopted by key market players (2020-2022)
2.4 Recent Developments/Investments/Announcements
2.5 Company Profiles
2.5.1 Dipharma Francis Company Overview Business Description Product Portfolio Key Financials Company Presence & Business Segment Analysis – 2022 Key Developments SWOT Analysis
2.5.2 Suzhou Tianlu Company Overview Business Description Product Portfolio Key Financials Company Presence & Business Segment Analysis – 2022 Key Developments SWOT Analysis
2.5.3 Zhangshanbelling Company Overview Business Description Product Portfolio Key Financials Company Presence & Business Segment Analysis – 2022 Key Developments SWOT Analysis
2.5.4 Erregierre Company Overview Business Description Product Portfolio Key Financials Company Presence & Business Segment Analysis – 2022 Key Developments SWOT Analysis
2.5.5 ICE Company Overview Business Description Product Portfolio Key Financials Company Presence & Business Segment Analysis – 2022 Key Developments SWOT Analysis
2.5.6 Abil Chempharma Company Overview Business Description Product Portfolio Key Financials Company Presence & Business Segment Analysis – 2022 Key Developments SWOT Analysis
2.5.7 Grindeks Company Overview Business Description Product Portfolio Key Financials Company Presence & Business Segment Analysis – 2022 Key Developments SWOT Analysis
2.5.8 Biotavia Labs Company Overview Business Description Product Portfolio Key Financials Company Presence & Business Segment Analysis – 2022 Key Developments SWOT Analysis
2.5.9 Arcelor Chemicals Company Overview Business Description Product Portfolio Key Financials Company Presence & Business Segment Analysis – 2022 Key Developments SWOT Analysis
2.5.10 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Company Overview Business Description Product Portfolio Key Financials Company Presence & Business Segment Analysis – 2022 Key Developments SWOT Analysis
Chapter 3 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Overview
3.1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Outlook (2017-2032)
3.1.1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2017-2023)
3.1.2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2024-2032)
3.2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Region
3.2.1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2032)
3.2.2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
3.3 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Form
3.3.1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2032)
3.3.2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Form, 2023–2032
3.3.3 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
3.4 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Mode of Extraction
3.4.1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2032)
3.4.2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Mode of Extraction, 2023–2032
3.5 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Region
3.5.1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2023)
3.5.2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2024-2032)
3.6 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Form
3.6.1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2023)
3.6.2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2024-2032)
3.7 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Mode of Extraction
3.7.1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2023)
3.7.2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2024-2032)
3.8 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate Comparison 2018–2032
3.8.1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Region
3.8.2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Form
3.8.3 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Mode of Extraction
3.9 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share Comparison 2017–2032
3.9.1 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Region
3.9.2 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Form
3.9.3 Global Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Mode of Extraction
Chapter 4 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Overview
4.1 North America Market Snapshot
4.1.1 Regional Overview US Canada Mexico
4.2 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Outlook (2017-2032)
4.2.1 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2017-2023)
4.2.2 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2024-2032)
4.3 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Region
4.3.1 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2032)
4.3.2 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
4.4 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Form
4.4.1 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2032)
4.4.2 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Form, 2023–2032
4.4.3 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
4.5 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Mode of Extraction
4.5.1 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2032)
4.5.2 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Mode of Extraction, 2023–2032
4.6 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Region
4.6.1 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2023)
4.6.2 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2024-2032)
4.7 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Form
4.7.1 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2023)
4.7.2 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2024-2032)
4.8 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Mode of Extraction
4.8.1 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2023)
4.8.2 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2024-2032)
4.9 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate Comparison 2018–2032
4.9.1 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Region
4.9.2 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Form
4.9.3 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Mode of Extraction
4.1 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share Comparison 2017–2032
4.10.1 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Region
4.10.2 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Form
4.10.3 North America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Mode of Extraction
Chapter 5 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Overview
5.1 Europe Market Snapshot
5.1.1 Regional Overview Germany United Kingdom France Italy Spain Russia Rest of Europe
5.2 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Outlook (2017-2032)
5.2.1 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2017-2023)
5.2.2 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2024-2032)
5.3 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Region
5.3.1 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2032)
5.3.2 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
5.4 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Form
5.4.1 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2032)
5.4.2 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Form, 2023–2032
5.4.3 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
5.5 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Mode of Extraction
5.5.1 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2032)
5.5.2 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Mode of Extraction, 2023–2032
5.6 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Region
5.6.1 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2023)
5.6.2 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2024-2032)
5.7 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Form
5.7.1 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2023)
5.7.2 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2024-2032)
5.8 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Mode of Extraction
5.8.1 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2023)
5.8.2 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2024-2032)
5.9 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate Comparison 2018–2032
5.9.1 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Region
5.9.2 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Form
5.9.3 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Mode of Extraction
5.1 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share Comparison 2017–2032
5.10.1 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Region
5.10.2 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Form
5.10.3 Europe Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Mode of Extraction
Chapter 6 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Overview
6.1 Asia Pacific Market Snapshot
6.1.1 Regional Overview China India Japan Australia Rest of Asia Pacific
6.2 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Outlook (2017-2032)
6.2.1 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2017-2023)
6.2.2 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2024-2032)
6.3 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Region
6.3.1 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2032)
6.3.2 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
6.4 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Form
6.4.1 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2032)
6.4.2 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Form, 2023–2032
6.4.3 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
6.5 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Mode of Extraction
6.5.1 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2032)
6.5.2 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Mode of Extraction, 2023–2032
6.6 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Region
6.6.1 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2023)
6.6.2 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2024-2032)
6.7 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Form
6.7.1 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2023)
6.7.2 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2024-2032)
6.8 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Mode of Extraction
6.8.1 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2023)
6.8.2 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2024-2032)
6.9 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate Comparison 2018–2032
6.9.1 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Region
6.9.2 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Form
6.9.3 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Mode of Extraction
6.1 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share Comparison 2017–2032
6.10.1 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Region
6.10.2 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Form
6.10.3 Asia Pacific Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Mode of Extraction
Chapter 7 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Overview
7.1 South America Market Snapshot
7.1.1 Regional Overview Brazil Argentina Rest of South America
7.2 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Outlook (2017-2032)
7.2.1 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2017-2023)
7.2.2 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2024-2032)
7.3 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Region
7.3.1 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2032)
7.3.2 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
7.4 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Form
7.4.1 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2032)
7.4.2 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Form, 2023–2032
7.4.3 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
7.5 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Mode of Extraction
7.5.1 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2032)
7.5.2 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Mode of Extraction, 2023–2032
7.6 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Region
7.6.1 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2023)
7.6.2 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2024-2032)
7.7 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Form
7.7.1 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2023)
7.7.2 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2024-2032)
7.8 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Mode of Extraction
7.8.1 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2023)
7.8.2 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2024-2032)
7.9 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate Comparison 2018–2032
7.9.1 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Region
7.9.2 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Form
7.9.3 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Mode of Extraction
7.1 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share Comparison 2017–2032
7.10.1 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Region
7.10.2 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Form
7.10.3 South America Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Mode of Extraction
Chapter 8 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Overview
8.1 Middle East and Africa Market Snapshot
8.1.1 Regional Overview GCC South Africa Israel Rest of Middle East and Africa
8.2 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Outlook (2017-2032)
8.2.1 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2017-2023)
8.2.2 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) (2024-2032)
8.3 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Region
8.3.1 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2032)
8.3.2 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
8.4 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Form
8.4.1 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2032)
8.4.2 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Form, 2023–2032
8.4.3 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Region, 2023–2032
8.5 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market by Mode of Extraction
8.5.1 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2032)
8.5.2 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Attractiveness Analysis by Mode of Extraction, 2023–2032
8.6 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Region
8.6.1 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2017-2023)
8.6.2 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Region (2024-2032)
8.7 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Form
8.7.1 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2017-2023)
8.7.2 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Form (2024-2032)
8.8 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) by Mode of Extraction
8.8.1 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2017-2023)
8.8.2 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Value (US$ Mn) Comparison by Mode of Extraction (2024-2032)
8.9 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate Comparison 2018–2032
8.9.1 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Region
8.9.2 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Form
8.9.3 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Y-o-Y Growth Rate by Mode of Extraction
8.1 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share Comparison 2017–2032
8.10.1 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Region
8.10.2 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Form
8.10.3 Middle East and Africa Ursodeoxycholic Acid Market Share by Mode of Extraction
Chapter 9 Methodology and Data Source
9.1 Research Approach/ Methodology
9.2 Market Size Estimation
9.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation
9.4 Data Source
9.4.1 Secondary Sources
9.4.2 Primary Sources